How it works:

    1 Piece of Single Use Plastic = 1 Swear = $1 or your choice

    Goal: As few swears as possible in One Week! Avoid single-use plastics wherever you can, the more prepared we are, the lower our swears!

    • Every separate piece counts, they add up quickly!

    Keep track of your swears by putting the plastic in your jar, or swapping it for cash.

    Tell your friends, family, coworkers and have them join you!

    Stay strong! Our societies are embedded with plastic, so living even a week avoiding it is a Challenge!!

    Share your journey: #PlasticSwearJarChallenge


    Donate your swears and we will use the funds to continue our fight against plastic waste!

The statistics are astounding

“The US generates more than 35 million tons of plastic but recycles just 8.3% of it.”
US Environmental Protection Agency

  • Globally, we’re making 380 million TONS of Plastic every year. That’s more weight in plastic than the entire human population. (

  • Packaging makes up 40% of all plastic made. (

  • The average American uses 314 plastic bottles a year. (

  • Around 70,000 microplastics are consumed by an average person each year. (

  • 50% of all plastics produced each year are single-use. (


With the pushback on fossil fuels to run cars and energy grids, the fracking and oil industries are turning to their other money maker:



Plastic Production is slated to double in the next 20 years

That is, if we don’t do something about it!


Action starts with us!

This is exactly why we created the Plastic Swear Jar Challenge. The challenge provokes thought behind the ‘true cost’ of our purchases, the power of our choices and awareness as a catalyst to bring to light the changes and sacrifices we must make for the sake of our planet and current and future generations.   

In our generation, plastic companies have expanded and polluted with no responsibility. Is it time we change that?!

Join Plastic Swear Jar Challenge! Play a game of accountability and discover just how engrained plastic is in all of our daily lives by doing our best to avoid it for a week.


WOMP (Women's Outreach Mentorship Program)


Where Does It Go?